There are a few things you need for camping trips that you are not likely to forget: Tent, sleeping bag, and cooler with food and drinks, are at the top of my list. But then there are other things you may not think of that could help make your experience more enjoyable. My friends Jenny and Rocio are expert campers, so when we went to the Avenue of the Giants they remembered to pack several things I hadn’t even thought to bring.
Here are some of the handy things I probably would have forgotten were it not for my very organized friends:
1. Dishwashing tub
I knew we would have dishes to wash, I just never thought about exactly how we would wash them when hunched over the outdoor spigot. Jenny came to the rescue with an especially innovative solution: Two stackable plastic tubs, one with several holes drilled in the bottom. We would wash the dishes in the stacked tubs, and then remove the perforated one to quickly drain and then rinse the wet dishes. Genius! Buy on Amazon.
2. A clothes line and clothes pins
Things get wet when you’re in the great outdoors. Having a clothesline that we could tie from tree to tree allowed us to hang up wet clothes and towels to dry quickly. And having the clothes pins kept them from blowing away. You could also look for a travel/camp clothesline that includes built-in clothespins. Buy on Amazon!
3. Plastic tablecloth
This is probably the most unexpectedly handy thing that Jenny packed. This cute checkered tablecloth covered up the old, dirty campground picnic table giving us a clean surface to prepare food on. It also covered up the warped spaces, giving us a smoother surface, and kept food from falling down into the mouths of the hungry hounds that stood in wait. If disposable, bring duct tape to attach it firmly to the underside of the table or (if reusable) bring one that includes clamps to attach it to the table. Buy on Amazon!
4. Cutting board
I remembered to bring a chef’s knife but somehow forgot to bring a cutting board. Thankfully the ladies were on top of that, too. Buy on Amazon!
5. French press coffee maker
I’m not a regular coffee drinker so I didn’t think about this, but it’s a handy way to brew coffee without electricity or disposable filters. A French press is great for brewing coffee when camping, but most of them are glass and could easily break. This model is perfect for camping) because it is stainless steel and shatter-proof.
6. Paper towels: Extra credit if you bring a contraption like this one(^^^)
Paper towels can be used for napkins and all sorts of cleanup tasks. Rolls always seem to blow away, fall on the ground and unravel. Jenny brought this handy contraption (a milk crate with a steel rod through it) to keep the paper towels clean and always within reach.
7. Bug spray and sunscreen
It seems like everyone always forgets to pack one or both of these. We have had several family members affected by skin cancer so I never forget a good sunscreen, but I ALWAYS forget bug spray! Luckily Rocio remembered this time. Buy on Amazon!
Check out this post for more essential first aid supplies + my full travel health packing list.
8. Several spare containers of propane
Both Rocio and Jenny packed spare propane containers, and surprisingly, we used them all! We went through the tanks faster than I expected, but we were cooking three full meals a day. If you aren’t doing as much cooking over the camp stove you won’t need as much, but bring at least one canister more than you think you will need. Buy on Amazon!
Want to save this list for your next camping trip? Click here to pin this post on Pinterest:
What things do you always pack for camping trips?
Note: The links to Amazon use our affiliate program which means a tiny fraction of anything you buy through them goes to support our site. I would never link to something I don’t use personally or think would be a great alternative.
Man your camp cooking looks amazing!!!
We had 4 other foodies there to share the work, so we were a little more ambitious than we would have been were it just Kevin and I 🙂
Never forget to load up your frozen meats. No boogies or dogs or brats. And even forgot the buns.we had breakfast and lunch
And be careful not to put your buns in the cooler, they might get wet! That happened one year, ruined our hot dog lunch 😛
Love the paper roll dispenser. 🙂 But you forgot a few essentials: chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers: a must for camping. 🙂
Hehe, true… I figured those were a given!
We’ve discovered chocolate graham cookies with the your toasty marshmallow works best. Chocolate actually melts. Walmart great value one are the best choice.
I started doing something similar, putting my marshmallows between chocolate chip cookies! Yum! Thanks for sharing this tip!
Great list! We do a lot of camping and are usually pretty prepared, but I always forget the washing basin. It’s just genius to bring a second one with drain holes. Crafty!!!
Thanks, Vanessa! I thought it was a pretty genius idea, myself! 🙂
I go with my son at boyscout
Great! What are some of your must-have camping essentials?
A always keep trash bags in the cooking tote. Pot holders, and extra ziplock bags.
Great ideas! We ran out of trash bags and food storage bags on our 4th of July camping trip this year and it was a bit of a hassle. Next year! 🙂
the thing I need when we go camping is toilet seat covers. Even if it is in the woods that you are going. A clean seat is a good thing and they are waste tank friendly.
Hmm, or instead, even more versatile, is a roll of toilet paper. You can use it for both! I’m adding that to my list!
There is always at least one roll of toilet paper in my car and pick up at all times. Comes in hand OFTEN. I should add that I can drive 5 min and be in the toolies. Love the paper towel holder!
Very smart, Angelia! I was getting over a cold the last time we went camping and used the paper towels on my nose which was a big, painful mistake! TP is handy for that.
Thanks for your comment!
Toilet paper, and face wipes!! Oh the simple things I need to be happy:)
Hehe, the little things 🙂 Do you know a facial cleansing cloth that is good at removing sunscreen? I’ve been wanting to try one.
I use baby wipes to get rid of a few layers of sunscreen before I reapply or when I’m going to bed. They get rid of that greasy feeling. Even with the ‘dry’ touch or spray on kind.
Wow, I wasn’t sure baby wipes would be able to cut through sunscreen but that’s good to know. Thanks, Angelia!
you don’t want to forget a can opener, and a broom/whisk broom to sweep out your tent.
Yes! You’re exactly right — two great additions! Thanks, Tabby!
Don;t forget the plastic coffee “can” to keep your toilet paper dry.
Great idea! Thanks!
I take my TP in the coffee can so that way if I need and emergency potty I have the can. when you travel with little ones this comes in handy!! Also don’t forget the benadryl sticks. They fit nicely into your pocket and apply easily!!
Those are great ideas! Thanks, Terri!
I’m going camping for 2 weeks in 23 days. I actually already started packing some things in January; canned meats, beans, fruits, peanut butter (I already ate it though, gotta get a new one) and marshmallow fluff. I’m actually going to festivals, but I’ll spend 5 days in the forest alone and then my friends will start showing up. Some really important things: matches and a couple of lighters, wool socks, tent, sleeping bag, water, juice, soda (I don’t drink alcohol anymore), soap bubble liquid, decorations for the camp, a chair, cooking supplies, travel charger for my e-cig and phone, clothes for cold, warm, and wet weathers, 2 towels, soap and shampoo, chef’s knife, smaller knife, 2 spoons, fork and a knife, 1 mug, 1 plate and 1 bowl, toilet paper, period stuff, war helmet, notebooks, colored pencils, markers, watercolors, bong and a pipe. I think that I’ll manage.
Wow, that’s quite a comprehensive list! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Something water proof to keep the matches in. I’ve taken the first aid kit and forgot to restock it. Don’t forget to restock it and to put in fresh medicine.
Ah, very smart! Thanks for these reminders!
Starbucks Via packs are a great space saver and as far as instant coffee goes you can’t beat it. No chemicals!
Ah, great idea! I did mention that in this “gift idea for travelers” post:
Before I wrote that, I went on a photography workshop with some very early mornings and in desperation, I bought some generic instant coffee that was terrible. I learned my lesson!
A welcome mat, or piece of astroturf to wipe your feet on before going into your tent — works great to keep the dirt out!
That is a great idea! And definitely something I always forget. Thanks, Jacqui!
One of my items always wrapped up with the tents. Along with the smaller broom/dust pan set. I hate a dirty tent. We also have collected the snap together foam floor tiles from yard sales and they are great.
Instead of flashlights I brought along a 8 pk of Walmart bought solar landscape lights! they charged all day and the kids had lights to play with, some to light up our campsite and even one in the tent as a night light!
Oh, that’s a great idea! I’m adding that to the list for next year!
I saw a different post that had the pegs of the lights inserted into the bottom of a Tera cotta put upside down. In case you are unable to place the lights in the ground do to freezing or rocks.
Nice tip, thanks for this Jennifer!
If we camp in a campground that has electricity – I have two to three strands of white Christmas lights (100 + count). We string them higher than head height all the way around the camp site and just plug them in at night until we go to bed. It lights up the site greatly and doesn’t disturb the neighboring sites.
Waterproof matches just in case you run into a lot of rain are always a good add as well as any sting that can be used. I always have a small role of twine tucked in the camper for those emergency tie ups that happen. The paper towel holder is great that they have. I carry a stick I found several years ago while camping, used my twine to tie to one end and loop over the other, put the paper towels on and hang it in our canopy over the table. It hangs from the center rod of the canopy, easy access to everyone around the table.
I love the idea of bringing Christmas lights! Unfortunately, the state and county parks we usually camp at never have electricity on the site. I have seen battery operated lights that might be fun!
How about matches and a canopener? A hatchet is good if you are going the campfire route. We keep four toasting sticks in our camp kitchen. The camp kitchen has evolved over the years. If there is something I use in my kitchen, I find an duplicate at garage sale or thrift store and pop it into the camp box. Our collection has grown over the years, me sure camp comfy and it beats leaving something home!
Great additions! We actually just posted our full camping checklist in this recent post: Good recommendation on the hatchet. I’ve never camped anywhere that allows you to cut your own wood — so in place of the hatchet, we bring cash to buy wood from the campground host 🙂
I like to bring along a battery powered radio – weather and news.
Hi Gordon, that’s a great idea, in case of emergency. Thanks for sharing!
Great article. we are full time RVers now but have tent camped for many years. While we were tent camping we kept large plastic bins in the car back seat and trunk so on friday right after work we could head to the lake, mountains, river, desert or wherever the adventure was. Keeping everything in one spot eliminates taking forever to gather everything which deters people from wanting to camp haha. Cheers
That is a really great idea! Now that I put together this list, it’ll be extra easy to pull things together into ready packed totes. Thank you!
i carry a bar of soap in a knee high stocking that we tie to the faucet. The soap is always at the ready, doesn’t get dirty, and dries quickly. Also dienfectant wipes are in the set up box.
Great ideas, thanks!
I always take a doormat. I hate dirt in the tent and a doormat is a wonderful thing in the woods.
Great idea, Darlene! Thanks for sharing!
When ever we go camping I bring a weather radio.
Great idea!
A bucket. I always use it for something.
And you can pack small things in it and out with it! Great idea
One of the things we always have with us is one of those pop-up laundry hampers to use as a garbage can. You can buy them from camping supply places, but they tend to be way more expensive. We’ve gotten some at the dollar store. They’re lightweight so it’s easy to put away at night, and if they get damaged our wallet isn’t broken. 🙂
A recent addition is half of an old yoga mat. It’s uses are endless: seat, to stand on to shower or change or put your shoes on, tent door mat, protection for fragile things while packing. Even a table on the ground if packing space/weight does not allow for a table. Oh yeah, and baby wipes! And a microfiber washcloth. Does everything from washing to wiping to drying.
No wonder I always pack for days! Now, if I could just remember to keep a list!