Easter Island, located 2,300 miles off the coast of South America, is the most remote, inhabited island on earth. It’s also one of the most mysterious places you can visit, with massive, yet hand-carved and transported stone heads dotting the landscape. But travel to this remote place comes at a premium, and it’s known to be a very expensive destination. Luckily, we found some ways to save money on travel to Easter Island when we visited last year.
Thinking about visiting Easter Island? Check out these ways to save money on travel to Easter Island, while still having an authentic experience:
Easter Island Travel Guide for Budget Travelers
Thanks to our friend Jeremy, at Budget Travel Adventures, for featuring it as part of his Budget Travel Guide series.
Cool! I’ll check it out. Though I suppose it’s a little late in the game for me 😉 I should have picked your brain more in Jan!
I should have gotten the post to Jeremy by January, my fault 🙂 What is the reciprocity fee for Canadians, if you recall? I heard there was one but couldn’t find the amount.
Hi – British Airways Executive clubs charges just charges just 12,500 Avios from Santiago de Chile to Easter Island one-way in Economy. LAN also has a flight from PPT to IPC for the same price. So if you find yourself on vacation in PPT or South America and need some cultural exploration don’t miss the opportunity to go to Easter Island, it’s very worthwhile. I’m already looking forward to go back!
Wow, that is a great deal! We used Avios to get there too, I can’t remember what the deal was like when we went. And we did notice a lot of travelers were doing it as a stop on a round the world trip either heading west to Asia or Australia, or coming East with a stop in Tahiti.