Unlike many things in life, I think I have a pretty healthy attitude toward germs. I wash my hands after using the restroom, before handling my contact lenses, and when obviously dirty, but otherwise not often when I’m out and about. I attribute this routine exposure to having helped me develop antibodies to a range of germs. And it seems to be working; my immune system is strong and I’m rarely sick.
When I spotted this terrifying ad in the window of a Paris pharmacy, I instantly wanted to run to a bathroom and scrub the hell out of my hands. Especially if — as they imply — you risk catching herpes from holding the handrail on the Metro. Mon Dieu!
Foto Friday is a series where I go back through my archives to share photos that I love either because I think they are beautiful or they have an interesting story. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Same here! I’m rarely sick! But, holy cow, herpes from the metro! NOOOOOO…. there’s a lot of fear being used in that ad.
london–>mind the gap.
paris–>mind the herpes.
who needs absinthe when you have baccide?