The dog was named Casimiro and he belonged to the owner of the language school I studied at in Guanajuato, Mexico. Casimiro would hang around the building during the day, wandering into and out of classrooms searching for crumbs under the desks. Sometimes his owner would call out looking for him, “Casí?” My name is similar so, naturally, I thought he was talking to me.
Between my afternoon classes one day, I caught this photo of a local boy on his way home from school. His eyes lit up when he saw the dog lounging on the front stoop and he ran to hug him, eventually pulling him into this silly waltz.
Foto Friday is a series where I go back through my archives to share photos that I love either because I think they are beautiful or they have an interesting story. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Cute pic.
Thanks, Lorenzo! This little boy was so sweet with this dog. I have another picture of him laying on the ground hugging him, it was so cute!